10 best training tips for a marathon

Set your goals for this year
Let's do some easy running!

January and February are a good time to start running. Let's have fun running in 2024!

1. Select your destination

The key to running a race is choosing a great course and location. Whether that's a race close to home or you're willing to travel and run somewhere that's comfortable and safe for you, choose a race that's right for you.

2. Create a training schedule

For most people, it is very difficult to complete a marathon without training. Make a training plan for any race you are participating in, not just marathons. It is generally said that a training plan for 3-6 months from the day of the race is desirable. At first, it may be difficult and you may not be able to train as planned, but continue training slowly and without rushing.

3. Choose your gear early and get used to it

In marathon training, you need gear that will allow you to complete 42km. Depending on the training menu, you may need to change your running shoes, but on the day of the race, it is recommended that you wear gear that you are familiar with rather than wearing new shoes and gear. Wear the gear you plan to use in the race during training to prevent injury.

4. Train in different weather conditions

It's hard to predict what the weather will be like on race day. It's important to train in a variety of weather conditions so you'll be confident in any weather on race day, but make sure you're wearing the right gear and protecting yourself from the cold and heat.

5. Try a shorter race before the marathon

Participate in shorter races as part of your training to help you get used to the chaos and intensity of racing and to help you find your rhythm.

6. Get advice from fellow runners

Joining a running community can motivate you, give you advice on your training, and give you support and advice from fellow members. Asking questions and getting training tips can greatly improve your experience.

7. Don’t ignore injuries or body signals

If you feel pain from a sprain or other injury, refrain from training. If you run while protecting the injured area, it will put strain on other parts of your body. Rest is also an important part of training. If you need to rest, try to stay positive by planning your next run or thinking about something else. By listening to your body, you can enjoy running in the long term, rather than enduring temporary training.

8. Assemble your support team

No matter how much training you do, a marathon will have its tough moments. There will be moments when you feel completely exhausted. Having a crew cheering you on during the race can lift your spirits and help you finish the race.

9. Plan your race day

Whether you're coming from far away or only a few miles from home, having a race day plan will reduce stress and help you mentally prepare for your marathon. Get your gear ready the night before, drive and map out the course, find water stations, and run a simulation. These preparations will give you peace of mind and make your race day go more smoothly.

10. Have fun

Enjoy every bit of it! Like life, running a marathon is part of the journey. Whether you cross the finish line or not, you're training for an endurance event that few ever attempt. Be proud of your efforts!